Stuart.67: Ancient Bridge
Stuart.67: Moorland Tree
Stuart.67: Shipley Bridge
Stuart.67: Same as it ever was
Stuart.67: Stepping Stones
Stuart.67: Tides out
Stuart.67: Forest Gorse
Stuart.67: Rope
Stuart.67: Staying close
Stuart.67: Misty Valley
Stuart.67: Tree and Cloud
Stuart.67: Sunburst over Lower White Tor
Stuart.67: Wistman tree
Stuart.67: Isolation
Stuart.67: Green
Stuart.67: Dartmoor big sky
Stuart.67: Cottage on the moor
Stuart.67: Sunrise over Rough Tor
Stuart.67: Moon over Lower White Tor
Stuart.67: Stile
Stuart.67: View towards Two Bridges
Stuart.67: Lydford Tor
Stuart.67: Golden hour on Dartmoor