jaytee27: Seed bug - Lygaeus pandurus
jaytee27: Dalmatian wall lizard - Podarcis melisellensis
jaytee27: Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta)
jaytee27: Butterfly
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Croatia
jaytee27: Dubrovnik Old Town
jaytee27: Lang's Short-tailed Blue - Leptotes pirithous
jaytee27: Hummingbird Hawkmoth - Eye to eye
jaytee27: Hills and Mountains of Croatia
jaytee27: Wall Brown
jaytee27: Silver Y moth under surveillance from 3 bees Halictus sp. poss scabiosae)
jaytee27: Mallow Skipper - Carcharodus alceae
jaytee27: Tropical tent-web spider - Cyrtophora citricola, Croatia
jaytee27: No need to talk...........
jaytee27: Front row seats...............
jaytee27: Corn earworm moth. Helicoverpa armigera ( or zea )
jaytee27: Wall Brown. Lasiommata megera
jaytee27: Langs' Short-tailed Blue. Leptotes pirithous
jaytee27: Hummingbird Hawkmoth. Macroglossum stellatarum
jaytee27: Whispy seed heads. Unknown, could be a wild Clematis
jaytee27: Threaded-waisted Wasp. Ammophila heydeni
jaytee27: European Paper Wasp. Polistus dominulus
jaytee27: Croatian Dolls
jaytee27: Long-tailed Blue - Male. Lampides boeticus
jaytee27: Southern White Admiral - Limentis reducta
jaytee27: Small Copper. Lycaena phlaeas
jaytee27: Egyptian Grasshopper - Anacridium aegyptium
jaytee27: Croatia
jaytee27: Red Rumex Weevil - Apion Frumentarium