jd1001: Water Vole - not just a plop, but an actual sighting
jd1001: Summer evening visitor; Hedgehog in the Garden
jd1001: Stag in the Mist, Gunton Deer Park, Norfolk
jd1001: Just realized it was having its photo taken. Water Vole
jd1001: Water vole having a meal, Hobsons Conduit, Cambridge
jd1001: Water Vole, Hobsons Conduit, Cambridge
jd1001: Wandlebury Muntjack - deer scrumping fallen apples in Wandlebury orchard
jd1001: Pine Martins at Kilchoan
jd1001: Adult Pine Martin, Kilchoan, Ardnamurchan Peninsula
jd1001: Pine Martin portrait
jd1001: Pine martin at the table
jd1001: Martin in the bushes
jd1001: Having a look - Ardnamurchan pine martin
jd1001: Herd of Deer in field, Dorset
jd1001: Water Vole, Wicken Fen Board Walk