jd1001: A pile of rusty nails - the museum display at the Sutton Hoo Vistiors Centre
jd1001: Underwater Archaeology Display, National Museum Alexandria, Egypt
jd1001: Underwater Archaeology - Finds on Display in Display Case, National Museum Alexandria
jd1001: Pharoah's Bust - National Museum, Alexandria
jd1001: Inside the main hall at the National Maritime Musem, Falmouth 2008
jd1001: Lots of Roman pots, Pompeii
jd1001: Bits and pieces put somewhere safe to keep: Pompeii
jd1001: Ragusa fleet at Ancona
jd1001: Strange discovery on Museum railings: Art Fag fake mobile phone outside British Museum
jd1001: Mimis
jd1001: Baskets and Shields, GOMA Brisbane
jd1001: Looking through the case: Chinese porcelain in the Percival David Gallery at the British Museum
jd1001: Reading the financial times in Strasbourg
jd1001: The Vasa
jd1001: 19C Display National Museum Alexandria
jd1001: Lisbon Maritime Museum
jd1001: Sailors in the Rigging of the Neff
jd1001: Museum tupperware
jd1001: Paper clip in the museum:'And so it was born...' museum display
jd1001: Big Cat Skull at the National Museum of Scotland
jd1001: Willow Pattern
jd1001: Glass in Lisbon Design Museum
jd1001: Secrets of the Afterlife
jd1001: Mummy Galleries at the British Museum
jd1001: Statue's Shadow - Agregento Museum 2
jd1001: Syracruse Museum, Greek Mask
jd1001: Syracruse Temple Medusa
jd1001: Crystal jug
jd1001: Ivory figure
jd1001: After hours at the museum