jd1001: Wendy & Dolphin: Diving with dolphins in Roatan
jd1001: Roatan Bottlenose Dolphin
jd1001: Roatan Bottlenose Dolphin in Blue Water - Roatan Diving
jd1001: Diving with Dolphins, Roatan
jd1001: Meeting the Dolphins
jd1001: Waiting to go in the Wreck
jd1001: Divers on the Aguila
jd1001: Wreck of the Odessey
jd1001: Yellow Xmastree worm - Roatan Diving
jd1001: Red Christmas Tree Worm
jd1001: Another Christmas Tree Worm
jd1001: Christmas Tree Worm, Roatan, Hondurus
jd1001: Spot the Christmas Tree Worm
jd1001: Sea Horse in Black and White
jd1001: Seahorse on net under the quay at Flippers and Fins
jd1001: Flamingo tongue
jd1001: Colonial Fanworms
jd1001: Turtle
jd1001: Spiny Lobster Portrait
jd1001: Spiny Lobster
jd1001: Hamlet
jd1001: Blue Tang
jd1001: Shoal of Blue Tang Feeding
jd1001: Barracuda under the Boat
jd1001: Grouper, Roatan
jd1001: Coral Hind in Sponge - Roatan Scuba Diving
jd1001: Lizardfish and Cleaner Wrasse, Roatan
jd1001: Yellowhead Jawfish, Roatan
jd1001: Filefish
jd1001: Scuba Diver and Crevice at Bears Den, Roatan