jd1001: Love at first sight? Scuba Diving with Seals at Lundy
jd1001: Catch me if you can. Scuba Diving with Seal at Lundy
jd1001: Susie and her Seal
jd1001: Playful Seal
jd1001: Lundy Seal and my Fin
jd1001: Holy Seal?
jd1001: Clownfish Great Barrier Reef in Crevice
jd1001: Zanzibar, Shy Clownfish
jd1001: Grenada Sponge
jd1001: Coral Garden Great Barrier Reef
jd1001: Wreck of Chrisoula K, Abu Nuhas, Red Sea
jd1001: Wreck of the Chrisoula K, Abu Nuhas, Red Sea
jd1001: Xmas Tree Worms
jd1001: Fan Worm Nevis
jd1001: Under Swanage Pier
jd1001: Tompot Blenny under Swanage Pier
jd1001: Who's a pretty boy/girl/Blenny?
jd1001: Ugly Face
jd1001: Dragonet
jd1001: Wrasse portrait, Scuba Diving, Devon, UK
jd1001: Shoal of Bib
jd1001: Snakelocks Anemome
jd1001: Swanage 2005 Small Scallop
jd1001: Scuba Diving at Lundy
jd1001: Going Diving at Swanage Pier
jd1001: Colonial Seasquirt, Swanage Pier
jd1001: Seaslug
jd1001: Spindle Cowrie, Hurghada, Red Sea
jd1001: File Fish
jd1001: scorpion fish on a bad hair day