Aircraft throughout the years:
A very common sight in the beginning of the eighties......Just landed on Runway-09, and heading back to its Hardened Aircraft Shelter (HAS), F-15C Eagle 79-0015/ CR from 32nd Tactical-Fighter-Squadron/ USAFE at Soesterberg Air-Base, Netherlands.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C Eagle 80-0020/BT 525thTFS/36thTFW USAFE (Bitburg AB, Germany). Soesterberg Air Base, the Netherlands. 11 July 1986.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C Eagle 79-0031/ CR from 32nd TFS USAFE. Soesterberg Air-Base, the Netherlands.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15D Eagle 79-0005/ CR 32nd Fighter Squadron USAFE. Photo taken on the taxi-track, "roller" at Soesterberg Air-Base, The Netherlands, during the eighties. (Scanned from Dia)
Aircraft throughout the years:
USAF F-15 Eagles from different units seen stored in the early morning sun at Davis-Monthan AFB/ AMARG, Tucson, Arizona. 05-06-2016.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C 86-0169/LN 493FS/48FW USAFE. Nellis AFB Nevada. (During "Gunsmoke-95", 27-10-1995).
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C 83-0037/WA 57FW USAF. Nellis AFB, Nevada. (During "Gunsmoke-95", 27-10-1995).
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C Eagle 80-0018 194FS/144FW California Air-National-Guard(ANG) USAF. Leeuwarden Air-Base, Netherlands. 08-04-2016.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C Eagle 83-0018/MA 131FS/104FW Massachusetts Air-National-Guard(ANG) USAF. Leeuwarden Air-Base, Netherlands. 08-04-2016.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15D 85-0132 123FS/142FW Oregon-ANG USAF. Leeuwarden, 10-04-2015.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15A 77-0141 SL ex 110FS/131FW,AMARC code FH098. Davis-Monthan AFB/AMARC, October 1995.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C 79-0026 CR 32nd TFS, Static Soesterberg AB, 01-09-1984,
Aircraft throughout the years:
3 F-15A Eagle aircraft ready for take-off from runway-27 at Soesterberg Air Base, the Netherlands. June 1986. In front is F-15A 77-0153/ HO from the 9th TFS/ 49th TFW from Holloman AFB, New Mexico.
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C Eagle 79-0021/ CR from 32nd Tactical-Fighter-Squadron/ United-States-Air-Forces-In-Europe is taxiing along the famous "Aircraft Spotters Place" at Soesterberg Air-Base, the Netherlands. 1980s.
Aircraft throughout the years:
The take-off from Runway-09, of "32 Commander" F-15C 79-0032/CR & F-15D 79-0004/CR Eagle's from the 32nd Tactical-Fighter-Squadron/ USAFE
Aircraft throughout the years:
F-15C Eagle 84-0028/MA 131FS/104FW Massachusetts Air-National-Guard(ANG) USAF. Leeuwarden Air-Base, Netherlands. 08-04-2016.
Aircraft throughout the years:
Old, older, oldst. 32nd Fighter-Interceptor-Squadron, 32nd Tactical-Fighter-Squadron, 32nd Fighter-Squadron, 32nd Fighter-Group. Memories. Nationaal Militair Museum, Soesterberg, Netherlands. December 2017.
Aircraft throughout the years:
Hunter F-58 J-4077 ex Flst-15 Swiss-AF. Preserved Bevekom, 04-07-2010.