Benjamin Moryson:
Basecamp in the lavvu near Buffalora
Benjamin Moryson:
The PicoGrill is ready for some sausages
Benjamin Moryson:
Benjamin Moryson:
Frozen MSR Lightning Ascent 25
Benjamin Moryson:
Benjamin Moryson:
Starting the trip via Alp Buffalora on a cold morning
Benjamin Moryson:
A view through the swiss pine
Benjamin Moryson:
Fop da Buffalora
Benjamin Moryson:
Boiling water with the Bushbuddy
Benjamin Moryson:
Hyperlite Mountain Gear Porter
Benjamin Moryson:
Lunch break
Benjamin Moryson:
On the way to Mount Buffalora
Benjamin Moryson:
Steps in the snow
Benjamin Moryson:
Val Chaschabella
Benjamin Moryson:
Val Chaschabella
Benjamin Moryson:
Animal tracks
Benjamin Moryson:
Mount Buffalora (2630m) in front
Benjamin Moryson:
Benjamin Moryson:
Camp near Fuorca del Gal 2100m
Benjamin Moryson:
Benjamin Moryson:
Green Khafra and brown Khufu by night
Benjamin Moryson:
Mysterious light
Benjamin Moryson:
Locus Gear Khafra
Benjamin Moryson:
Packing on a cold morning
Benjamin Moryson:
Perfect conditions
Benjamin Moryson:
Lunch break 2
Benjamin Moryson:
Locus Gear Khafra
Benjamin Moryson:
Lunch break
Benjamin Moryson:
Bearded vulture
Benjamin Moryson:
Bearded vulture 2