seppe1985: ubirr_process
seppe1985: ubirr_stitch_blue
seppe1985: ubirr_stitch_wky
seppe1985: ubirr_sunset
seppe1985: bushfire
seppe1985: billabong flood
seppe1985: bushfire
seppe1985: rock arts
seppe1985: flood
seppe1985: sunset at Billabong cruise
seppe1985: Fruechte des Waldes
seppe1985: Dingo
seppe1985: croc in the water
seppe1985: crocs
seppe1985: croc at the bank
seppe1985: croc at the bank
seppe1985: croc at the bank
seppe1985: croc at the bank
seppe1985: croc nearby the boat
seppe1985: croc in the water
seppe1985: tree snake
seppe1985: billabong
seppe1985: bird dry
seppe1985: sunset at the billabong
seppe1985: big croc
seppe1985: big croc
seppe1985: big croc
seppe1985: neck of a croc
seppe1985: sunset
seppe1985: motor car falls