1coffeelady: Hannibal Welcome SIgn ~ Hannibal , Missouri
1coffeelady: Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn Statue ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse on Cardiff Hill ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Mark Twain Memorial Lighhouse" Historic Marker & the Mississippi River ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Overview of Hannibal Historic District Cardiff Hill Overlook Park ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Mark Twain: Remembrance of an American Past" Interpretation Sign ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Becky Thatcher's Home" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Becky's Thatcher Home~Tom Sawyer's First Sweet Heart ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Overview "Tom's Sawyer Fence" ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Tom Sawyer Fence" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Mark Twain's Father 's Law Office" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "J. M. Clemens - Justice of the Peace Office" Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Huckleberry Finn House" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Huckleberry Finn's House ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Hannibal African American Life History Project Freedom Center ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Joseph Douglas - I am Not Injun Joe" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Abner Nash Building" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "New Cash Store" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Joshua Mitchell Building" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Henry Collins Store" Historic Marker ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Mark Twain Begins his Life Career" Historic Marker Hannibal History Musuem ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Moses D. Bates Display" Hannibal History Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Real Time Photo "Sauk & Fox Family, 1899" Hannibal History Musuem ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Real Time Photo "Keokuk, "The Watchful Fox" circa 1847" Hannibal History Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Real Time Photo "Grandson of Keokuk, Fox Leader circa 1890" Hannibal History Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Illini Indians Visiting New Orleans" Illustration Hannibal Hisotry Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: Real Time Photo "Sac & Fox Bark House" Hannibal History Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "City of Eden Illustration" Hannibal History Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri
1coffeelady: "Tom & Becky Lost in the Cave" Diorama ~ Hannibal History Museum ~ Hannibal, Missouri