1coffeelady: In Memory of the Pioneer Bohemians Drowned in Canyon ~ Red Willow County, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Ft. McPherson Trail'' Monument ~ Holbrook, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Burton's Bend" Historic Marker ~ Holbrook, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Burton's Bend" Historic Marker ~Holbrook, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Historic Platte Valley" Historic Marker ~ Holdrege, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "The Great Platte River Road" Historic Marker ~ Kearney, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Dobytown" Historic Marker ~ Kearney County, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Fort Kearny' Historic Marker ~Fort Kearney State Historic Park ~ Kearney, Nebraska
1coffeelady: Fort Kearney State Historic Park ~~ Kearney, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "The Mormon Pioneer Trail-Frontier Mail Carrier" Interpretation Sign ~ York, Nebraska
1coffeelady: "Nebraska City-Fort Kearny Cut Off" Historic Marker ~ York, Nebraska