crusaderstgeorge: Pepparkakspalats - Gingerbread Palace
crusaderstgeorge: 2013 Gingerbread Palace
crusaderstgeorge: Gingerbread Palace - Pepparkakspalats 2013
crusaderstgeorge: Lady of the house
crusaderstgeorge: The other Lady of the house
crusaderstgeorge: 2012 Gingerbread Palace
crusaderstgeorge: 2012 Gingerbread Palace
crusaderstgeorge: Such a moody little gingerbread baker :))
crusaderstgeorge: 2014 Right wing of the Palace
crusaderstgeorge: Princes court
crusaderstgeorge: Left wing tower at rear
crusaderstgeorge: Left wing princess
crusaderstgeorge: Ladies of the court
crusaderstgeorge: Forward left wing tower
crusaderstgeorge: 2014 Gingerbread Palace
crusaderstgeorge: A princess perhaps
crusaderstgeorge: 3 wise men or....
crusaderstgeorge: 2014 Gingerbread Palace - Re-adjustments after mishap by a photographer...he apparently leaned over the glass barrier and broke some of it.
crusaderstgeorge: 2014 Pepparkakspalats - Gingerbread Palace
crusaderstgeorge: Margareta Persson