lcaifan: Pensative.
lcaifan: Time for a ride.
lcaifan: The light pours down. Barcelona.
lcaifan: Istanbul
lcaifan: Barcelona
lcaifan: In Barcelona
lcaifan: Barcelona. Estación de Francia
lcaifan: We own the night. Barcelona, 2012.
lcaifan: London Eye
lcaifan: At the end of the conference, before the lights go off.
lcaifan: On the Galata Bridge
lcaifan: Out on the docks.
lcaifan: Paella
lcaifan: Cusco
lcaifan: Volcán al atardecer: Volcano at dusk
lcaifan: A street in Cusco.
lcaifan: After weeks of mostly being disconnected from IG, I'm returning.
lcaifan: Reflections on her guitar
lcaifan: La ventana donde antes esperaba.
lcaifan: Instashots
lcaifan: Cholula
lcaifan: Instashots
lcaifan: Princesa
lcaifan: Rain over Mexico City
lcaifan: Monumento a la Revolución
lcaifan: Sirkeci
lcaifan: "Are you the gatekeeper?"