DStoneman: Krystal
DStoneman: Nope, not stippers....
DStoneman: Da group
DStoneman: So cute!
DStoneman: Chillin'
DStoneman: No, I'm taller!
DStoneman: Well...you know....
DStoneman: Crowder Concert
DStoneman: da boys at race for the cure
DStoneman: Amigas
DStoneman: Laurs
DStoneman: Wal-Mart+$5.50 movies= CHA CHING!
DStoneman: DSC02191
DStoneman: me, roomie and Huni aka "honey"
DStoneman: yup, still excited
DStoneman: Turtle face!
DStoneman: Desayuno
DStoneman: ready....set....go!
DStoneman: Movin on up....
DStoneman: Reub
DStoneman: trophy love
DStoneman: Tucker
DStoneman: DSC00024
DStoneman: Soooooooooooo cute!
DStoneman: Meli
DStoneman: DSC04090
DStoneman: DSC03948
DStoneman: To the beach!
DStoneman: Maricella y esposo