Awan Adventure: DSC_2112
Awan Adventure: Kakek Pengembala Sapi
Awan Adventure: DSC_2109
Awan Adventure: DSC_2113
Awan Adventure: DSC_1333
Awan Adventure: CSC_2103
Awan Adventure: Simbah #3
Awan Adventure: Simbah #2
Awan Adventure: Uwa Eloh (Grandmother Eloh)
Awan Adventure: Panjat Pinang (HUT RI - 66)
Awan Adventure: Semagat Pantang Menyerah (HUT RI - 66)
Awan Adventure: Challenge is the catalyst that yields excellent from shared strenght (HUT RI - 66)
Awan Adventure: Innalilahi wainnailaihiroziun...
Awan Adventure: Selamat Jalan Nenek Tercinta
Awan Adventure: Bude Ku Godok Air (Explored)
Awan Adventure: Traditional Markets in Cepogo - Boyolali. Central Java
Awan Adventure: Atmosphere of a traditional market in the morning Cepogo - Boyolali. Central Java
Awan Adventure: Mbode Ngeliwed Sego (Explored, 10 Sept 2011)
Awan Adventure: Children
Awan Adventure: Melompat Lebih tinggi lagi......
Awan Adventure: Lebih tinggi lagiiiii.... :-D
Awan Adventure: Tri Bagus
Awan Adventure: Tri Bagus #2
Awan Adventure: Tri bagus #3
Awan Adventure: Indonesia
Awan Adventure: DSC_0093
Awan Adventure: DSC_0147
Awan Adventure: Sepecial for you (Pak Bro) :-)