painting in light: British Advertisements:
micky the pixel: Das große Hausbuch der Sagen und Legenden / Griseldis
painting in light: British advertisements:
PoissArt: Anonyme italien 17e siècle Joueur de violon lauré
Aidan McRae Thomson: Angel Harpists
CameliaTWU: Detail of Das Berner Münster portal
Gruenemann: DSCF0647
Gruenemann: DSCF0949
Gruenemann: Ruins of old St. Fergus, Wick
Gruenemann: Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica
Gruenemann: Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica
Gruenemann: Window 2
Gruenemann: Johann Strauss, Zentralfriedhof, Vienna
Gruenemann: Harpist
Zzzzt!Zzzzt!: Harpist
PhillipWest: Harpist
Leo Reynolds: harpist
rverc: Identify the Artist (953)
rverc: Identify the Artist (952)
Anita Pravits: Roelant Savery: Orpheus unter den Tieren / Orpheus Charming the Animals with His Music, 1610
Wolfsraum: Magdeburg Walloner Kirche, David
Horst-in-Jeddah: 2010 Jeddah 094
jmc4 - Church Explorer: Waterbeach Cambridgeshire
groenling: Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, abbey church, nave, keystone: harp
jmc4 - Church Explorer: 67 years chorister, 25 years churchwarden - Lower Brailes Warwickshire
jmc4 - Church Explorer: preserved from drowning, two young maiden friends - Wigginton Oxfordshire
galanthophile: Salisbury Cathedral stained glass
Sheepdog Rex: St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn
Glass Angel: Selby Abbey, North Yorkshire
groenling: Kleve, St. Mariae Himmelfahrt, Marienaltar, detail