Ewa's Oceans: Barry always ready for walks :-)
Ewa's Oceans: Show on the sky
Ewa's Oceans: Yellow and green
Ewa's Oceans: Plenty
Ewa's Oceans: Step by step
Ewa's Oceans: Ziemniaki, kartofle, pyry, Pommes de terre, patatas, potatoes :-)
Ewa's Oceans: Lichen
Ewa's Oceans: Wooden barn
Ewa's Oceans: Far away
Ewa's Oceans: Porridge :-)
Ewa's Oceans: Flying
Ewa's Oceans: Shining
Ewa's Oceans: blue, pink ...
Ewa's Oceans: Throught the trees
Ewa's Oceans: Damages
Ewa's Oceans: Hello yellow face ! :-)
Ewa's Oceans: Ruins as a flower bed (?)
Ewa's Oceans: Interesting purple
Ewa's Oceans: Hidden
Ewa's Oceans: Throught the clouds
Ewa's Oceans: Nettle - pokrzywa - brennesseln
Ewa's Oceans: Beautiful weed