The List Writer: Roast squash
The List Writer: Silicone Madeleine bun tins
The List Writer: Madeleines
The List Writer: Walking to High School
The List Writer: Off he goes!
The List Writer: Good habits
The List Writer: Good habits
The List Writer: Livvy's bears
The List Writer: Blog banner for autumn
The List Writer: Hazlenuts on the street
The List Writer: Sunshine and wood
The List Writer: Shadow me, by the eglu
The List Writer: Shadow Nancy in the garden
The List Writer: Autumn sun
The List Writer: Autumn blue skies in the garden
The List Writer: Sunshine corner
The List Writer: Sunny patch on the mock orange bush
The List Writer: Sunshine and shadows in the hallway
The List Writer: White cat, black shadow
The List Writer: Geraniums at Leytonstone station
The List Writer: Tube tracks at South Woodford
The List Writer: Chain and railings shadow
The List Writer: Self portrait shadow
The List Writer: Shadow railings
The List Writer: Cat, writhing in the afternoon sun
The List Writer: Autumn conker
The List Writer: Graham and David
The List Writer: Blue skies in East London
The List Writer: School run - at the station