The List Writer: Walking down the path to Port Meadow
The List Writer: The approach to Port Meadow
The List Writer: Port Meadow in springtime
The List Writer: Port Meadow
The List Writer: Dad setting the world to rights with the cow
The List Writer: A cow giving me a baleful stare
The List Writer: A curly haired bullock and a classic Oxford view
The List Writer: Three ducks
The List Writer: Blue boats moored on the river
The List Writer: Tatty motor boats on the river
The List Writer: Boats on the Thames
The List Writer: Boats and a view across Port Meadow to Oxford
The List Writer: No fishing
The List Writer: The rainbow bridge
The List Writer: On a landing stage
The List Writer: Looking across Port Meadow to Oxford
The List Writer: Oh okay - go on then
The List Writer: Following the path to the Perch Inn
The List Writer: Spring blossom
The List Writer: Spring blossom - I love it
The List Writer: Mum taking photos
The List Writer: Granny & Cam walking along the riverbank
The List Writer: A barge, pootling up the river
The List Writer: Sweet cottage at Medley
The List Writer: Old, flaky gate
The List Writer: Cherry blossom and a canoe
The List Writer: Camouflaged duck
The List Writer: Mooring ring
The List Writer: Ducks gazing or staring at each other?