The List Writer: ...and Graham, suffering from hypothermia in a centrally heated house
The List Writer: January blog banner
The List Writer: Leo modelling his kicking bag
The List Writer: Self portrait
The List Writer: Cam getting ready
The List Writer: Padded up, putting helmet in bag
The List Writer: The skate park in Victoria Park
The List Writer: Learning to ride in Victoria Park
The List Writer: Livvy scooting on her bike
The List Writer: Buds and grey sky in Victoria Park
The List Writer: Perky twin, tired twin
The List Writer: Graham's basket of birthday presents
The List Writer: Self portrait
The List Writer: Cool board
The List Writer: Cam on board
The List Writer: Back yard
The List Writer: Livvy playing in the street
The List Writer: Wheelie bins are a wonderful source of fresh snow
The List Writer: Me and the daffs
The List Writer: New haircut
The List Writer: Short hair again
The List Writer: Skateboarding luge
The List Writer: Fabric for Livvy's strawberry quilt
The List Writer: Six squares out of a hundred and eighty four
The List Writer: Cutting up fabric for Livvy's quilt
The List Writer: Graham unimpressed
The List Writer: Graham is not liking the bracing seaside weather
The List Writer: Wild and windswept cliffs at Birling Gap
The List Writer: Graham, Cathy & Florence