The List Writer: Neil punting expertly
The List Writer: Graham and Livvy on the river
The List Writer: Neil by the Bridge of Sighs
The List Writer: A busy river in the sunshine
The List Writer: Neil shows us how its done
The List Writer: Cam on the Cam
The List Writer: Alice on the Cam
The List Writer: Willows on the river bank
The List Writer: Swan on the Cam
The List Writer: Alice punting and Graham enjoying the sunshine
The List Writer: Alice takes over the punt
The List Writer: Alice steers us home
The List Writer: Graham punts for the first time ever
The List Writer: Graham punting under the bridge
The List Writer: Graham punting under a bridge
The List Writer: Sitting back while Graham punts
The List Writer: Graham punting like a pro
The List Writer: Livvy and Alice about to get tangled in a willow tree
The List Writer: Alice gets caught in the willow
The List Writer: Graham steers out of the willow
The List Writer: Kings College in the September sunshine
The List Writer: No mooring
The List Writer: Livvy and Alice, enjoying being punted home
The List Writer: Neil punts us home
The List Writer: Cam paddling on the River Cam