The List Writer:
City buildings
The List Writer:
London's Guildhall
The List Writer:
Prudent Passage, London
The List Writer:
Gresham Street, London
The List Writer:
Victoria Park, Bethnal Green
The List Writer:
My bike in Victoria Park
The List Writer:
Victoria Park, Hackney
The List Writer:
Olympic Park construction traffic entrance
The List Writer:
Olympic Park construction traffic entrance
The List Writer:
Olympic hoarding along the Eastway
The List Writer:
The canal crossing the Eastway
The List Writer:
2012 Olympic Park Hoardings - near Hackney Marsh
The List Writer:
2012 Olympic Park hoardings
The List Writer:
Graham at the pub on Bank Holiday Monday
The List Writer:
No bendy bus is gonna squash ME!
The List Writer:
Rainbow in Leyton
The List Writer:
Hungerford Bridge and boat by night
The List Writer:
Sloane Square tube station
The List Writer:
Scooters in the sunshine
The List Writer:
Coffee shops
The List Writer:
St Paul's & autumn trees
The List Writer:
St Paul's floodlit on my way home from work
The List Writer:
Winter jasmine
The List Writer:
Hairy geranium bud
The List Writer:
The List Writer:
The morning after the night before
The List Writer:
Henry Moore at Kew Gardens
The List Writer:
Waiting for the taxi
The List Writer:
The Palm House through a Henry Moore
The List Writer:
Scootering down the street in the autumn sunshine