The List Writer:
Daisy's & Betsy's fluffy bottoms
The List Writer:
The eglu
The List Writer:
Hens in the garden
The List Writer:
Sharing the eglu with Queenie
The List Writer:
Where did all the hens go?
The List Writer:
Daisy after some sweetcorn
The List Writer:
Cherry blossom in the garden
The List Writer:
Our garden with a sprinkling of cherry blossom confetti
The List Writer:
Eggs in the eglu
The List Writer:
Fat fluffy chickens
The List Writer:
Inquiring chickens
The List Writer:
Queenie egg
The List Writer:
Maud & Queenie
The List Writer:
Maud & Queenie
The List Writer:
Egg tray
The List Writer:
Maud, Daisy and Queenie discuss what was for breakfast
The List Writer:
Posh eggs - but some are posher than others
The List Writer:
Hens having breakfast
The List Writer:
Doris, a beautiful Maran Cuvree
The List Writer:
The List Writer:
Meet Beatrice
The List Writer:
One of our new hens, Beatrice
The List Writer:
Beatrice, a lovely brown Rhode Ranger
The List Writer:
Our new hen, Beatrice
The List Writer:
Doris in the run - holding her own so far
The List Writer:
Boss lady: Daisy. Very unimpressed by the new arrivals
The List Writer:
In which Beatrice and Doris get shouted at by the older chickens
The List Writer:
Poor cold hens, puffed up like beach balls