Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Just another example for my collection how to adapt german toilets to soviet needs / Einfach nur ein weiteres Beispiel für meine Sammlung wie Sowjets deutsche Toiletten an ihre Bedürfnissen angepasst haben
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Inside a Soviet army toilet. The swing doors in wood deco style and above at the wall a photo of the area at home. Many of the soldiers came from the Non-European part of the USSR.
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Soviet army toilets. For our needs unsuitable. Seems to me Asian inspired. In China I saw similar toilets and it seems to be normal there.
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Russian modified toilet? On a ground toilet a care tire, then a huge cooking pot and on top of it toilet seat. It seems they collected the excrements (as fertilizer for plants?)
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Russian toilet, the wall lined with leather imitation
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Russian style to make the wash basins more stylish. Reminds me of the russian toilet adaptions, see the link below