Small Creatures:
Probing for nectar, Fraserville, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic
Small Creatures:
Windblown shingles, Fraserville, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic
Small Creatures:
Bumblebee, Fraserville, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic
Small Creatures:
Bumblebee, Fraserville, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic.
Small Creatures:
Handshake, Fraserville, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic
Small Creatures:
Dressed for the weather, East Fraserville, Nova Scotia
Small Creatures:
In the lee of the barn, East fraserville, Nova Scotia
Small Creatures:
Leaning shed, East Fraserville, Nova Scotia