flying-leap: Messages from the Ocean
flying-leap: "The Middle of Middle-earth"
flying-leap: "The Middle of Middle-earth"
flying-leap: "The Middle of Middle-earth"
flying-leap: Shining Artwork....
flying-leap: Silver Fern
flying-leap: Sculptures
flying-leap: Sculptures
flying-leap: Silver Fern Glow
flying-leap: Totem Pole
flying-leap: Totem Pole
flying-leap: Waka Mural
flying-leap: Beach Art
flying-leap: Toi's Pa
flying-leap: Totem Pole
flying-leap: Dancing Sculpture
flying-leap: Snowman
flying-leap: Bus Stop
flying-leap: Portobella Bus Stop
flying-leap: Clock, Kaikoura, NZ
flying-leap: Mataatua Toroa waka taua
flying-leap: Mataatua Toroa waka taua
flying-leap: Sculpture