Timothy Valentine: Buoy-oh-Buoy
Sekanoº: Armchair rest
Ray .: Blair Atholl
pix•Olga: Sans titre
steeladw: On The Blink
Bruce aka Bingee: Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears
The Shiba: "Hurrialong now..."
Timothy Valentine: Venice Fishing Pier
pixellesley: starry starry night
pdkerwin: St. Paddys Snow
GAPHIKER: City of Small Cars
fotobananas: à la fenêtre
steeladw: MINE!
Thuyhn: Safety by numbers
Megspics .: Water Iris
pdkerwin: KNAPPS
pcerisolafernandez: Cañón del Chicamocha Colombia
Llorenç Conejo (Llorco): Barcelona, la ciudad a sus pies.
Photography by Ali Roberts: Tulip (Explored - Thank you!)
fotobananas: to tell you the truth
steeladw: Saw What ???
Timothy Valentine: Venice Fishing Pier
pixellesley: Dorsal fin beach
Victoria.....a secas.: Atardecer andaluz.