Christa N.2011:
1 Totem Pole in Ksan Village
Christa N.2011:
2 detail Totem Pole in Ksan Village
Christa N.2011:
3 entrance to a longhouse
Christa N.2011:
4 Part of Totem Pole in Ksan Village
Christa N.2011:
5 beautiful paintings...
Christa N.2011:
6 ... on the front of a longhouse
Christa N.2011:
7 Part of Totem Pole in Ksan Village
Christa N.2011:
8 Museum of Northern BC - coastal masks
Christa N.2011:
9 ..amongst other things ....
Christa N.2011:
10 ...decorated bentwood boxes
Christa N.2011:
11..and woven and painted articles
Christa N.2011:
12 rare bear sculpture
Christa N.2011:
13 explanation
Christa N.2011:
14 photo of baer sculpture at a cemetary
Christa N.2011:
15 traditional clothing
Christa N.2011:
16 traditional clothing
Christa N.2011:
17 Chilkat Blanket
Christa N.2011:
18 traditional clothing
Christa N.2011:
19 Chilkat Blanket
Christa N.2011:
20 exhibit
Christa N.2011:
20 traditional clothing
Christa N.2011:
22 Totem Pole inside the museum