CarrizoPhoto: Typha latifolia, cattail
CarrizoPhoto: Pseudognaphalium californicum, MH, California Everlasting
CarrizoPhoto: Pellaea andromedifolia , MH Coffee Cliffbrake, coffee fern
CarrizoPhoto: Papaver californicum, Fire Poppy
CarrizoPhoto: Oenothera deltoides, MH, Birdcge Evening Primrose
CarrizoPhoto: Nasturtium officinale, Watercress
CarrizoPhoto: Marrubium vulgare, MCH, horehound, Common horehound, White Horehound
CarrizoPhoto: Marrubium vulgare, MH, horehound, Common horehound, White Horehound
CarrizoPhoto: Marah fabacea, MH, Manroot, California Man-root
CarrizoPhoto: Lupinus nanus, MH, Sky Lupine
CarrizoPhoto: Lupinus macrocarpus, Chick Lupine
CarrizoPhoto: Linanthus parryae, MH, Parry's Linanthus, sand blossoms
CarrizoPhoto: Lastarriaea coriacea, MH, Leather Spineflower
CarrizoPhoto: Frankenia salina, MCH, Alkali Heath
CarrizoPhoto: Castilleja subinclusa, MH, Texas paintbrush, woolly Indian paintbrush
CarrizoPhoto: Castilleja exserta Owl's Clover
CarrizoPhoto: Cylindropuntia californica v. parkeri, Cane Cholla
CarrizoPhoto: Cylindropuntia californica v. parkeri, Cane Cholla
CarrizoPhoto: Calandrinia ciliata, MCH, Red Maids
CarrizoPhoto: Amsinckia menziesii, MH, Fiddleneck, Menzies' fiddleneck
CarrizoPhoto: Temblor Mts. in Snow
CarrizoPhoto: Snow on the Temblor Range
CarrizoPhoto: Temblor Mts. in Snow
CarrizoPhoto: Wildflowers, MH Southern End Of Soda Lake
CarrizoPhoto: South End of Soda Lake & Adjacent Hills,MH
CarrizoPhoto: Soda Lake with Goldfields MH & View to Temblor Mts. in Spring
CarrizoPhoto: Fiddleneck, MH, & View Across Soda Lake to Temblor Mts. in Spring
CarrizoPhoto: Vernal Pool & Lasthenia sp., Goldfields,MH
CarrizoPhoto: Cracked Soil & Lasthenia sp., MH, Goldfields, at Vernal Pool
CarrizoPhoto: Soda Lake MH with Fiddleneck & View to Temblor Mts. in Spring