Charlotte Clarke Geier: Venting steam below Kodak Rock
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cumbres &Toltec steam Davs Simplifier D's watercolor orig copy overlay for color -Experiment
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 1 engine across Lobato at a time
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 1st engine across Lobato Trestle
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 2 engines fully visible at Broad's Spur It takes two engines to pull the train up the steep grades
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 2 engines visible @ Broad's Spur
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 2 train stacks at Broad's Spur
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 2nd engine follows across Lobato
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 2nd engine ready to pull train across Lobato Trestle
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 2nd Loop of Tanglefoot
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 487 Continues
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 488 has crossed road
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Approaching 2nd Highway Crossing
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Approaching fast below Kodak
Charlotte Clarke Geier: At top of Cumbres Pass
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Beyond Lobo Lodge
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cattle Pen Near top of the mountain where we ate our picnic lunch in the freezing cold!
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Climbing to Kodak Rock
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Closeup of red cliff
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cold looking sky Snow was approaching
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Continuing to vent steam
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Crossing Lobato Trestle
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cumbres and Toltec 488 Daves Simplifier x3 PS watercolor Dreamy hi contrast glow smudge stick -Experiment
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cumbres Pass before engines separate
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Double engines around Orgasm Curve Nice difference in the colors of smoke and steam
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Doubles passing Kodak Point
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Down the 3rd hill at Tanglefoot
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Dual engines round curve @ The Narrows
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Durango Silverton 482- Daves Simplifier x 3 PS watercolor Dreamy hi contrast glow -Experiment