Charlotte Clarke Geier: Fall-colored sunflower hybrids at La Union Maze on NM28
Charlotte Clarke Geier: A closer view of the bridge.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Animas Creek in flood Jean Russell left her car on the far side where she lives.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Are these Cosmos ?
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Backlit hybrid sunflowers
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Field of yellow flowers and blue sky
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Fields of yellow flowers
Charlotte Clarke Geier: First riser of stairs to swinging bridge
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Gorgeous crimson zinnia
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Edith Gaia returns across the bridge to the near side
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Edith is almost back
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Both ladies have almost completed the trip.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Jean Russell about halfway across suspended bridge.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Jean Russell crosses suspended bridge
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Jean's friend, Edith Gaia carries extra items across.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Looking downstream from the ford
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Muddy brown water - tell-tale signs of the swiftness
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Multi-colored sunflower hybrids at La Union Maze
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Near end platform is not in great condition either
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Near side bridge approach stairs
Charlotte Clarke Geier: One support cable embedded into sycamore tree.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: ook at the force of that water! A hydraulic action is in effect below the ford
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Sunlit yellow flowers in the woods
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Sunny sunflowers
Charlotte Clarke Geier: The water is deeper than I've ever seen it here It has been this way for 6 weeks according to Jean Russell
Charlotte Clarke Geier: They're safely across
Charlotte Clarke Geier: View of first-level stairs to the bridge
Charlotte Clarke Geier: View of ford from the stairs. Coulter's globe mallow in foreground.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: View of the ford from the bridge Usually there is about a 3-foot drop from the concrete ford to the pool below