Charlotte Clarke Geier: A yellow cactus flower Opuntia Englemanii linguiformis
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Bird of Paradise Pods
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Bird of Paradise stamens and cactus flower 2 - Cylindropuntia sp.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Crops in the ground Late spring & crops are already springing up in fields throughout Mesilla Valley region.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Desert Lifeline - irrigation canal
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Desert Willow -2
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Desert Willow -5
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Desert Willow -6
Charlotte Clarke Geier: False Rainbow
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Heavy load of mistletoe
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Horsetail lines the banks of many feeder canals
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Light colored Desert Willow flowers
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Mexican evening primrose - closer
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Mexican evening primrose
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Native Bird of Paradise and Cactus Flower This cactus appears to be a cholla of some type
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Native 'Bird of Paradise' buds
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Ocotillo 'Fence'
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Opuntia Englemanii (Lindheimerii linguiformis) Commonly known as 'Cow's Tongue'cactus
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Opuntia Englemanii linguiformis with multiple flower buds & young fruits
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Phacelia - McNutt Road, Santa Teresa, New Mexico
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Sotol & Clouds South end of the of the Organs in the Santa Ana Mountains in the background
Charlotte Clarke Geier: sotol flowers closeup
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Sotol Sprout Reminds me of a giant asparagus
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Sotol stalk & flowers
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Yucca blossoms
Charlotte Clarke Geier: yucca flowers closeup
Charlotte Clarke Geier: yucca flowers with many visitors