Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Another run for home -Fast-approaching storm says take shelter; field work is done for the afternoon
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Color photo looks like Black and White
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Darkening skies
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Dramatic silhouettes as storm begins to pass.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Horizon lights do not mean the storm is breaking up.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Hurry home before the storm breaks
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 North of Hatch, NM the hailstorm begins -I thought the cherry-sized hail was going to crack my sunroof
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Pickup truck takes shelter as hail covers the ground.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Rain showers on the horizon mirror plowed rows in the foreground.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Rain squall in the distance
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 South of Hatch, NM storm begins to build
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Storm clouds linger as I turn around at Lake Caballo, NM and head south for home.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 5-15-05 Storm still overhead, but breaking up to the north.
Charlotte Clarke Geier: And the Rains Came Down - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Beautiful Storm Light - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Bee Boxes 3-6-2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Blue Sky Peep Show - added 7-17-05
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Double rainbow - 15 May 2005 This came at the end of the storm that followed me home from New Mexico
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Flying out of blue sky.... Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Flying toward the storm and landing before the storm hits - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Lights and Shadows - added 7-17-05
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Looking southeast toward cloud breakup across the border in Mexico - Late Feb. 2005 -2
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Looking southeast toward cloud breakup across the border in Mexico - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Mesquite Covered Dunes against Rainclouds - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Not long till rain - added 7-17-05
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Organ Mts Clouds - added 7-17-05
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Rain & hailstorms - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Rain on my Windshield - Late Feb. 2005
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Rain Squall - added 7-17-05