Charlotte Clarke Geier: (Sarcostemma cynanchoides) - vine milkweed With mating milkweed bugs
Charlotte Clarke Geier: (Sarcostemma cynanchoides) - vine milkweed
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 4-wing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) - closeup
Charlotte Clarke Geier: 4-wing saltbush
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Abert's Buckwheat (ariogonum abertianum) - Baylor Canyon Rd Las Cruces NM
Charlotte Clarke Geier: pale Trumpets (Ipomopsis longiflora) (Polemoniaceae)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Allthorn Cactus (Koeberlinia spinosa)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Apache Plume - (Falugia paradoxa)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Apache Plume Flowers - (Falugia paradoxa)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Big Barrel with Fruits (Ferocactus wislizenii)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Bird nest in a cholla cactus A natural fortress against predators
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Blackfoot Daisy (Asteraceae- Melampodium leucanthum)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum) (Asteraceae)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Blackfoot Daisy (Melanpodium leucanthum)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cactus Ranch at Santa Teresa NM
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Canaigre - (Rumex hymenosepalus) West Redd Road
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cane Cholla and Ephedra
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cheeses -(Malva neglecta) West Redd Road
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Cholla flowers and fruits
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Claret cup cactus In April
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Common Sunflower and Asters (Asteraceae Helianthus annuus and Asteraceae)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Coulter's Globe Mallow (Malvaceae - Sphaeralcea coulteri)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Coulter's Globe Mallow
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Creosote and Desert Chicory
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Creosote bush (larrea tridentata)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Crested Prickly Poppy (argemone polyanathemos) on Trans-Mountain Road in El Paso, TX
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Crested prickly poppy (argemone polynathemos)- Baylor Canyon Rd Las Cruces NM
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Datura - Wright's Jimson Weed - (datura wrightii)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Day Flower (Commelina dianthifolia)(Spiderwort-commelinaceae)
Charlotte Clarke Geier: Daybreak GazaniaTransmountain Road. ID thanks to Julie Stillwell of Oklahoma