repaap: naakat
repaap: C'om on bloom :)
repaap: Sinisiipi reunalla
repaap: Sinisiipi
repaap: Luonteri with 55-300
repaap: ARoS
repaap: on the road
repaap: tidying that thing
repaap: Back at home, november
repaap: Fools!
repaap: swirling to nature
repaap: town in middle of forest?
repaap: still inside.
repaap: Town in middle of lake?
repaap: Nov ember 15,
repaap: almost winter
repaap: Day 16, on the road again
repaap: treats.
repaap: many kind of dying
repaap: after summer.
repaap: my town from other perspective.
repaap: in middle of dark.
repaap: tea time
repaap: other framing and PP.
repaap: Day 22
repaap: vuoksi
repaap: we are back!
repaap: extra for 24
repaap: Day 25