jeremy256: Halloween
jeremy256: Preparations for Winter (at least the squirrel was thinking about it!)
jeremy256: Crunchy
jeremy256: Nourishing
jeremy256: Today I enjoyed... collecting windfalls
jeremy256: Comforting
jeremy256: Huge (and angry)
jeremy256: Edge
jeremy256: Soft
jeremy256: Keeps me warm
jeremy256: Fruity. I’m not certain what this is but it might be one of the nightshades!
jeremy256: Autumn Garden
jeremy256: Golden
jeremy256: Weather
jeremy256: Supp-er. "He who sups with the devil should use a long spoon"
jeremy256: Signs of Autumn
jeremy256: Signs of the times
jeremy256: Smooth
jeremy256: My View
jeremy256: Chilly
jeremy256: Holes! - must top up!
jeremy256: 10.10 am
jeremy256: Cosy
jeremy256: Round
jeremy256: Leaves
jeremy256: Mellow
jeremy256: Colours 2
jeremy256: Colour
jeremy256: Wild