search_for_life: Family of eyes
search_for_life: Sketch of dribbly daughter
search_for_life: My niece's beautiful face
search_for_life: Art Journal, cover
search_for_life: Art Journal, birds, Outside/Front
search_for_life: My son's 3rd birthday card from me (unfinished)
search_for_life: something from a life drawing sesh
search_for_life: Female nude detail
search_for_life: Copy from Percy the park keeper Nick Butterworth
search_for_life: Illustration for a childrens book
search_for_life: A doodle of my husband
search_for_life: Illustration for a childrens book
search_for_life: A doodle of a tatty teddy
search_for_life: A doodle of a tramp teddy