Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Happy Valentine's Day! Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia sp.), Tucson, Nov 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
First spring flowers - Globe mallow (Sphaeralcea sp.), Saguaro National Park West, Tucson, Feb 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Early spring - Mexican (California) poppy (Eschscholzia californica ssp. mexicana), Saguaro National Park West, Tucson, Feb 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Bursting - Fairy duster (Calliandra eriophylla) flower, Saguaro National Park West, Tucson, Feb 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Knobby knees? Olive tree trunk, Reid Park, Tucson, Feb 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Oh, the sun! Cottonwood leaves, Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Pink, white, green - Desert anemone (Anemone tuberosa), Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Small but beautiful - Silver puff (Microseris linearifolia) seed head, Molino Basin, Tucson, April 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Delicate purple - Southwestern mock vervain (Glandularia gooddingi), Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Sand fringepod (or Sand lacepod or Lacepod mustard) (Thysanocarpus curvipes), Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Closer view - Sand fringepod (or Sand lacepod or Lacepod mustard) (Thysanocarpus curvipes), Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Lacy indeed! Sand fringepod (or Sand lacepod or Lacepod mustard) (Thysanocarpus curvipes), Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Flower spike, Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Flower of the chainfruit cholla, Arroyo Chico wash, Tucson, April 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Fasciated! Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Molino Basin, Tucson, Aug 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Crested! Closeup of this odd Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Molino Basin, Tucson, Aug 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Even the moon is interested! Fasciated Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Molino Basin, Tucson, Aug 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Orange! Fishhook barrel cactus (Ferocactus wislizenii) flowers, Madera Canyon, Tucson, Aug 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Pretty white but prickly - Southwestern pricklypoppy (Argemone pleiacantha), Madera Canyon, Tucson, Aug 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Study in blue and green - Morning glory (Ipomoea), Madera Canyon, Tucson, Aug 2016
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Cactus with red chilies? No, just fruit of the Strawberry pincushion cactus (Mammillaria grahamii), Sabino Canyon, Tucson, Sept 2016