Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Pointleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens) flowers, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Pointleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens) flowers, closer, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Pointleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens) flowers, closer #2, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Mexican blue oak (Quercus oblongifolia), trunk, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Mexican blue oak (Quercus oblongifolia), bark, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Pod and beans of the Coral bean plant (Erythrina flabelliformis), Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Tree with unusual growth, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Tree with unusual growth, closer, Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
White and green - a lovely wildflower (Anemone tuberosa), Molino Basin, Tucson area, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Spring is here! Blue-purple wildflower, Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Looks like netting, but what is it? Cactus remains, Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Beautiful in yellow... perhaps Gordon's bladderpod (Lesquerella sp?), Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Such tiny flowers (at most 1 cm across), but so lovely! Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Holding on! Root of a tree on a hillside, Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Purple! Santa Catalina prairie clover (Dalea pulchra) flowers with insect, Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Saguaro skeleton, Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Cycle of life - Living saguaro with a saguaro skeleton, Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Feb 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Mother of millions (Bryophyllum sp.) flowers, closer, our yard, Tucson, March 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Yellow wildflower (scrambled eggs, Corydalis aurea), with seed pods, Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Yellow monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus), Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Spring wildflowers with rocks and stream, Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Alive and well at the stream, Molino Basin, Tucson, March 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Cactus flower, Tohono Chul Park, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
A single flower, Goldenball leadtree (Leucaena retusa), Tohono Chul Park, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Goldenball leadtree (Leucaena retusa) flower and buds, Tohono Chul Park, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Mother of millions (Bryophyllum sp.) flowers, Tohono Chul Park, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Insides out, cut tree trunks, Molino Basin, Tucson, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Two for one - New Mexico thistle, or Desert thistle (Cirsium neomexicanum), flowers, Molino Basin, Tucson, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
New Mexico thistle, or Desert thistle (Cirsium neomexicanum), flower, Molino Basin, Tucson, April 2015
Judith B. Gandy (on/off):
Silver puff (Microseris linearifolia) seed head, Molino Basin, Tucson, April 2015