Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Blue dasher dragonfly, Sweetwater wetlands, Tucson, Sept 2011
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Blue dasher dragonfly, Sweetwater wetlands, Tucson, Sept 2011
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Black saddlebags (Tramea) dragonfly, Sweetwater wetlands, Sept 2011
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Horse lubber grasshopper, our yard, Sept 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Horse lubber grasshopper, posing, our yard, Sept 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Red ant carrying a leaf, Arroyo Chico, Sept 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Flame skimmer dragonfly (Libellula saturata), Sweetwater wetlands, Tucson, Oct 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Flame skimmer dragonfly (Libellula saturata), Sweetwater wetlands, Tucson, Oct 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Mexican amberwing dragonfly, Sweetwater wetlands, Oct 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Pipevine swallowtail butterfly caterpillar, Tohono Chul Park, Nov 2012
Judith B. Gandy (on/off): Caterpillar of the White-Lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata), Tohono Chul Park, Nov 2012