librarianne75: Next time they ask if a "two-door" is ok, just say no!
librarianne75: Yummiest painting in the 14th-16th Century Gallery
librarianne75: "Still Life with Fruit and Vegetables"
librarianne75: Lily pond at the Norton Simon Museum
librarianne75: Lovely day for some art - both inside and out
librarianne75: van Gogh did snow??? Whoa!
librarianne75: View from our hotel room in Pasadena
librarianne75: Cruel World 2022 - "one day" only this year
librarianne75: The sound was intermittently terrible at this stage
librarianne75: Modern English at Cruel World
librarianne75: Love and Rockets! Wooo!
librarianne75: I had no idea Iggy Pop is sooo short!
librarianne75: Ugh-oh!
librarianne75: It was, indeed, a Cruel World
librarianne75: Duh duh duh, the forecast for Sunday
librarianne75: Not sure I needed to see Iggy Pop in the full brightness of day
librarianne75: Pretty clouds over Cruel World, rescheduled day
librarianne75: Lil moon over Cruel World
librarianne75: Siouxsie got her set and more on Sunday
librarianne75: Hawaiian Day at the Giants
librarianne75: Giants won!
librarianne75: Whatever Giants stadium is called
librarianne75: The theater added that pink bit for Barbie!
librarianne75: Whoever this DJ is, they almost put me to sleep
librarianne75: Tried to stay awake taking bad photos of the Warfield
librarianne75: Others in my party were doing NYT crossword puzzles to stay awake
librarianne75: Finally Röyksopp!
librarianne75: Röyksopp and their dancers