librarianne75: Flaming tree in East Sac
librarianne75: Nice oranges and yellows too!
librarianne75: Front yard yellows
librarianne75: Fall rose blooms
librarianne75: "clown wig" trees
librarianne75: My fav library trees
librarianne75: Dressing up Parking Structure 1
librarianne75: Campus colors
librarianne75: Tom traipses through the leaves
librarianne75: The start of the end of my attempt to propagate succulents
librarianne75: Green Room greenery
librarianne75: Bees Knees at the Green Room
librarianne75: Gotta manage all that rain water
librarianne75: Releasing rainwater up there too
librarianne75: My fav gingko on campus
librarianne75: Sunset view out my office window
librarianne75: Last minutes of sun shining on the tippy-top of the trees
librarianne75: Dusk at the gingkoes
librarianne75: Sunset over Parking Structure 5
librarianne75: Scenes from a special planetarium show
librarianne75: Didn't get to see this in Moonfall, but at least I got to see it in this planetarium show!
librarianne75: Memorial seats in the planetarium
librarianne75: Sun bow/halo over airport parking garage
librarianne75: Mountain ash tree
librarianne75: Months of photos from my boring life
librarianne75: Phew! My plane is here and I'm gonna get home
librarianne75: Sunrise over Wasatch in SLC
librarianne75: Book-style snow globe!
librarianne75: Pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow
librarianne75: Guy West underbelly