librarianne75: Caught the red eye to the East Coast
librarianne75: It was warmer in New Jersey than Sacramento!
librarianne75: Branded ice cube!
librarianne75: Pork roll is a regional meat I'd never heard of prior
librarianne75: Wedding celebration was next to the Princeton campus
librarianne75: Site of the celebration!
librarianne75: The AZ niece and nephews all scarfed up for NJ temps
librarianne75: Amanda was beautiful!
librarianne75: Very fancy, Nassau Inn...
librarianne75: Welcome to the family, Amanda!
librarianne75: Brother's wedding celebration in New Jersey
librarianne75: Brother's wedding celebration in New Jersey
librarianne75: Conga line for the stalwarts who danced to the end!
librarianne75: Delaware River at the sight of George Washington's crossing
librarianne75: LOL, so I wouldn't forget...
librarianne75: Historic event of me and my sibs crossing the Delaware
librarianne75: Selfie looking... east???
librarianne75: Penn/NJ border!
librarianne75: Back in Sacramento...