librarianne75: The trip started with some travel difficulties
librarianne75: Diner Deluxe provided us the best breakfast
librarianne75: Badlands of eastern Alberta!
librarianne75: IMG_0427
librarianne75: IMG_0428
librarianne75: IMG_0430
librarianne75: IMG_0433
librarianne75: Love the river-provided greenery and layers
librarianne75: Deep human history in the area also
librarianne75: Guess where I was?
librarianne75: IMG_0441
librarianne75: IMG_0442
librarianne75: Feeeeeeel the layers
librarianne75: IMG_0445
librarianne75: IMG_0446
librarianne75: IMG_0448
librarianne75: I will always ponder if that's a real bird
librarianne75: IMG_0451
librarianne75: IMG_0452
librarianne75: IMG_0453
librarianne75: Hoodoos in the evening light
librarianne75: Whaaat? Phallic? Not in the least. LOL
librarianne75: IMG_0458
librarianne75: IMG_0459
librarianne75: IMG_0462
librarianne75: IMG_0463
librarianne75: I loved that we had these badlands/hoodoos to ourselves
librarianne75: Mmmm, layers.
librarianne75: Suspension bridge!