librarianne75: Best National Park sign yet!
librarianne75: Hazy daze of fall
librarianne75: Mmmm, mountain view
librarianne75: Judging by this photo
librarianne75: 7000 feet!
librarianne75: Debbie and Spencer...
librarianne75: Deb and me at the tree
librarianne75: Does this help with perspective?
librarianne75: That's General Grant, to you!
librarianne75: I call this one Mr. Big
librarianne75: Logically, I know what this sign is trying to say
librarianne75: In my most glamorous hiking gear
librarianne75: Spencer takes a breather after emerging from around the bend
librarianne75: The Watchtower
librarianne75: Don't fall into Tokapah Valley, Spencer!!
librarianne75: The Watchtower
librarianne75: You can't see the dramatic drop right behind me
librarianne75: View back down towards the Central Valley
librarianne75: Spencer climbs...
librarianne75: And climbs
librarianne75: And finally reaches a bend in the trail
librarianne75: Look back to that corner
librarianne75: Heather Lake
librarianne75: Spencer dines in the shade of a tree
librarianne75: Another lovely picture of our lunch stop view
librarianne75: ugh, another bad angle
librarianne75: Can you spot the lil'critter?
librarianne75: Still thinking that's Tokopah Valley