librarianne75: In case you can't read the sign Spencer is pointing to "STEEP"
librarianne75: Do you see the snow?
librarianne75: Spencer inside the "tower" on top of Mt. Diablo
librarianne75: View to the south (?) from Mt. Diablo
librarianne75: Look ma, see the air!
librarianne75: Ok, why is this sign not at the top of Mt. Diablo?
librarianne75: Spencer smiles!
librarianne75: Aly taking a breather on our hike around Jenny Lake
librarianne75: Inspiration Point
librarianne75: Inspriation Point
librarianne75: Imagine
librarianne75: Our colorful badlands hike in Death Valley
librarianne75: I wanted to billie goat up that!
librarianne75: Potato Harbor hike
librarianne75: The trail towards Potato Harbor
librarianne75: I'm smiling because I know I have enough time to drag Jessica up that trail you see behind me
librarianne75: Our last stop on the Central Coast
librarianne75: High Loch Leven Lake
librarianne75: We dined on this fine boulder next to the lake
librarianne75: How else would I remember the names and altitudes of the places I've hiked to?
librarianne75: Spencer waltzes past the helpful arrow
librarianne75: Photographing the sights
librarianne75: Lovely view!
librarianne75: Lunch spot!
librarianne75: Sierras!
librarianne75: View of the top