PhotoJeff: Unknown Dragonfly in flight
PhotoJeff: meadow fritillary butterfly
PhotoJeff: meadow fritillary butterfly
PhotoJeff: Monarch on milkweed
PhotoJeff: meadow fritillary butterfly
PhotoJeff: European Paper Wasp, Polistes dominulus
PhotoJeff: Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
PhotoJeff: Red Admiral and Milkweed
PhotoJeff: Red Admiral and Milkweed
PhotoJeff: Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus
PhotoJeff: Hitched
PhotoJeff: Monochrome Monarch Butterfly
PhotoJeff: Yin and Yang
PhotoJeff: Fiery Skipper, Hylephila phyleus
PhotoJeff: Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui --- I think
PhotoJeff: Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui --- I think
PhotoJeff: bee party
PhotoJeff: Monarch
PhotoJeff: Monarch
PhotoJeff: Cecropia moths
PhotoJeff: Cecropia moths
PhotoJeff: Skipper Butterfly
PhotoJeff: Monarch
PhotoJeff: Monarch and a little bee
PhotoJeff: Fun with Flood
PhotoJeff: Monarch
PhotoJeff: Monarch
PhotoJeff: Buzzz
PhotoJeff: Not A Spicebush Swallowtail (which was my 1st ID)
PhotoJeff: Skipper