PhotoJeff: American Robin
PhotoJeff: Autumn Reds and Golds
PhotoJeff: Autumn Golds
PhotoJeff: Tree Swallow with a big feather
PhotoJeff: Low Tide High Contrast
PhotoJeff: Catbird
PhotoJeff: Brown Thrasher
PhotoJeff: Mute Swan
PhotoJeff: Mute Swan
PhotoJeff: ID help - American Redstart?
PhotoJeff: Ghost
PhotoJeff: Young American Robin
PhotoJeff: House Wren and Birdhouse
PhotoJeff: House Wren
PhotoJeff: A Little Blue
PhotoJeff: Oyster Caught
PhotoJeff: Muskrat wearing his food
PhotoJeff: Cheese
PhotoJeff: Yellow Warbler (male)
PhotoJeff: Yellow Warbler (male)
PhotoJeff: Water Thrashing
PhotoJeff: Thrasher Profile
PhotoJeff: I know I have a gazillion shots of this bird but I just love their blue plumage!
PhotoJeff: Eastern Towhee after a dip the pond
PhotoJeff: American Robin
PhotoJeff: Gray Catbird
PhotoJeff: Eastern Towhee taking a bath
PhotoJeff: Queens Osprey
PhotoJeff: Double-crested Cormorant
PhotoJeff: Gaggle of Geese