freetoglow (Gloria): That Way>>>>>
freetoglow (Gloria): May you all have a Wonderful Holiday and a Blessed New Year
freetoglow (Gloria): Silent Night
freetoglow (Gloria): I think this was inspired from watching the Science Channel. That is the universe, worm hole and the latest one I just saw, the Children of the Stars. Very interesting!
freetoglow (Gloria): It's Snowing.............When I do work in Photoshop, it's always random selections of either filters or brushes or custom tools.
freetoglow (Gloria): Okay folks, this is your wake up call art work - I'm back!....
freetoglow (Gloria): Migraine Madness.........done for the Hypothetical Group, Take a Walk on the Darkside challenge
freetoglow (Gloria): Snake in the Grass..........Digital art created from a blank canvas for the Hypothetical Group.
freetoglow (Gloria): The Heat of Summer
freetoglow (Gloria): It Must be the Heat!!