Aurelie Morin: Painting my painting tools. #watercolor #brushes #aquarelle #pinceaux #drawing #ink #bamboopen #encre #calame #sketching #sketch
Aurelie Morin: Framing two old etchings, adding golden leaves in the corners. #frame #framing #encadrement #etching #gravure #gold #goldenleaves #dorure
Aurelie Morin: #watercolor #sketching
Aurelie Morin: Japanese tree #linocut #printmaking #limitededition #reliefprinting #tree #linogravure
Aurelie Morin: Framing linocut #framing #frame #encadrement #linocut #linoprint #linogravure #print #artprint
Aurelie Morin: Framing #frame #framing #encadrement #linoprint #linocut #print
Aurelie Morin: Watercoloring flowers #watercolor #aquarelle #drawing #flower #dessin #fleurs
Aurelie Morin: Lino ready for carving
Aurelie Morin: Experimenting with rubber stamps
Aurelie Morin: Two buddies ready for the press
Aurelie Morin: Koi fish design in progress
Aurelie Morin: Tea pot carving completed
Aurelie Morin: New lino design in progress
Aurelie Morin: Experiments
Aurelie Morin: #dahlia inking #ink #linoprint #linocut #linogravure #lino #printmaking #print
Aurelie Morin: Dahlia carving #linoprint #linocut #linogravure #lino #printmaking #print #tools
Aurelie Morin: Preparing season's greetings in advance #linoprint #linocut #linogravure #lino #printmaking #press #print
Aurelie Morin: #bottlejackpress finished #linoprint #linocut #press #printmaking #printingpress
Aurelie Morin: #bottlejackpress finished #linoprint #linocut #press #printmaking #printingpress
Aurelie Morin: Home studio @redhouse
Aurelie Morin: Linoprinting tools
Aurelie Morin: Preparing the lino
Aurelie Morin: Design of the pattern for linocutting
Aurelie Morin: New lino printing stuff!
Aurelie Morin: New lino printing stuff!
Aurelie Morin: New lino printing stuff!
Aurelie Morin: Linocut, last layer !
Aurelie Morin: Linocut, first block print, pressed with a spoon
Aurelie Morin: Linocut, carving